Want_To Want FirstName LastName Handle Email Area Phone City State Country Comments                                      
To_Ride Barry Brumwell Brummer barry@nbctechnologies.com 403 818-0696 Calgary AB Canada We can't ride up here much before May...
To_Ride Roy Stellar prophet prophet3@telusplanet.net 413 228-5909 Calgary AB Canada Love to carry the banner from Alberta to Saskatchewan
To_Ride Roy Stellar prophet prophet3@telusplanet.net 413 228-5909 Calgary AB Canada I'm sending this a second time as I havn't received the sign up list link yet.
To_Ride John Mcintosh John McValk mrbatman@telusplanet.net 780 4732270 Edmonton AB Canada
SCott Randby Scooter scott.randby@williams.com 907 457-1155 Fairbanks AK Will the relay be going to the biggest state in the union??  Alaska!! I would love to ride and help.
Volunteer To_Ride L. C. Strickland Maverick MaverickValk@wmconnect.com 205 681-9522 Clay AL USA
Volunteer To_Ride Jack Hines BamaJack jhhccs@bellsouth.net 205 477-4418 McCalla AL USA
Volunteer To_Ride John Froberg Six-Guns Rider backinblack@megalord.com 256 482-2418 EVA AL usa If it passes with in a few hundred miles of me I would be happy to help and would like to be in the ride to relay. I am the Huntsville area rep for the VRCC in Alabama.
Volunteer To_Ride Tim Moore REDVALK k4tk@arrl.net 334 5679752 Titus AL USA I'm Bama State Rep. I'm willing to try and coordinate with all the BAMA volunteers...and work with other bordering state Reps to make this happen.
Volunteer To_Ride Gert De Grave Flying 6 gdegrave@lear.com 32 476 45 75 98 Wilrijk Antwerpen Belgium Live in Belgium central Europe between France, Holland and Germany
To_Ride Phil Koch pkoch@ipa.net 479 996-6454 Greenwood AR usa The message board says you need someone in western Arkansas to take the handoff from Oklahoma.  I live within 10 miles of I-40 right on the AR-OK border.  Ready to ride!  Let me know.
Volunteer To_Ride David Mills Bogenman david.mills@cox-internet.com 479 633-9024 Rogers AR USA Let me know how to help.
Volunteer To_Ride Jay Chandler jayandjudy jayandjudy2001@yahoo.com 501 454-2340 Beebe AR US I'm not sure what will be expected of me, but I would like to help if possible.  I need someone to contact me either by phone or email so I will know what is needed and when.  That will let me know whether I will be able to be a part of this event.  I just found out about this ride (1 Feb 04 - waiting to watch the Super Bowl).  I know it may be too late to help, but please, whoever is having something to do with this (especially in Arkansas) contact me as soon as possible.  Thanks, Jay Chandler.
Volunteer To_Ride Gregg Buchanan Curley Wolf gbuchanan@cox-internet.com 870 862-7957 El Dorado AR USA I'd be happy, if I had contact info for AR VRCC'ers, to plan a route and arrange for participant-riders through the State.  Oz, I don't know if you can provide me the contact info on the AR VRCC'ers.  I've e-mailed "Fritz", the State Rep, but just did it tonight after I first heard about the Relay.  I think it's a SUPER idea and way to work to increase participation in VRCC activities.  I don't know any of the other AR-VRCC members though I've asked several Valk riders I've met at rallies to join.Let me know how I can be of help.Gregg Buchanan Curley Wolf
To_Ride John Kosmach JV no_rivets@hotmail.com 870 523-2931 Newport AR USA Ride the relay
To_Ride John Kosmach JV no_rivets@hotmail.com 870 523-2931 Newport AR USA Ride
To_Ride Mac McClellan Fireballgtx Fireball72112@yahoo.com 870 217-1492 Newport AR U.S. I live in north east Arkansas. I'm available to take the banner where ever you need. thx mac
To_Ride Craig Notter Craig in Az. craig.l.notter@intel.com 480 988-7891 Gilbert Az USA I can ride some of the way depending on the route. I don't have the cloths for cold weather riding and it's snowing on the rim right now.
john stiefer thing stieferjr@gbronline.com 480 946 5469 tempe az united states would like to ride, carry and pass the hammer. truck and tiltbed trailer to carry downed motorcycles around phoenix as needed for repair. just an offer
Bill Reeves billcpa wfrcpa@comcastl.net 520 529-0927 tucson az pima
To_Ride Connie Bradford f6gal f6gal@cox.net 602 978-4983 Phoenix AZ AZ checking in.
To_Ride William Ferguson BigBF 98valk@bigbf.com 602 992-2747 Phoenix AZ USA
To_Ride Michael Bradford Psycho psycho918@cox.net 602 978-4983 Phoenix AZ USA
To_Ride Mark Roberts Judd marxbox@telus.net 250 837-4691 Revelstoke B.C. Canada Looking forward to taking part in any way I can....
To_Ride Cliff Bergen Moose cliffbergen@shaw.ca 250 758-3512 Nanaimo BC Canada If Thor's Hammer makes it to Vancouver Island - I would like to be involved in getting it moved onto and or off again and ride in the relay.('98 Tourer)
To_Ride Brian Miller Dusty oylcan@shaw.ca 250 474-2437 Victoria BC Canada Help to organize or be point of contact for British Columbia if someone hasn't already stepped up.Dusty
To_Ride Wayne Clare 1LesCarr wayneclare@aol.com 209 823-6788 Manteca CA USA I would like to ride in Northern California
Volunteer To_Ride Brice Walker ValkMan valk_man@yahoo.com 408 623-1014 San Juan Bautista CA USA Whatever you need Oz
To_Ride Charlie Konen CoolValk coolvalk@valkyrieriders.com 530 887-9797 Cool CA USA
To_Ride Dennis Dickensheets sheets 4dawind@sfbay.net 530 629-2507 Willow Creek CA USA I'm near the Redwood coast of NorCal.  I'm hoping that one or two folks from the Sacramento area can step in to make the connection between Nevada and California.  From home, I'm 7 hours from the state line on I-80.  If somebody from Sacto or the SF Bay area can make the NV/CA connection, I'd meet them somewhere slightly to the north, either on I-5 or Hwy 101.  Depending on the weather at the time, I can have the option of either continuing north via I-5 or up the Redwood Coast on Hwy 101.  The high altitude mountain passes will be a challenge.  Hopefully I can get a pic of the Banner in the Redwoods..Dennis, aka sheets 
To_Ride Richard Silcott rrs@juno.com 619 561-9386 El Cajon Ca USA
To_Ride Richard Silcott rrs@juno.com 619 561-9386 El Cajon Ca I'm retired now and if needed, I can make a quick run to Arizona early Monday morning or whenever. I usually get up at 3:00 am.
To_Ride Bill Arbuckle Knucks info@madcorider.com 619 423-5693 Imperial Beach Ca U.S.A. Ride/host/sponsor
Volunteer To_Ride Gale Scalzi oZ webmaster@f6rider.com 626 966-4265 San Dimas ca I'd like you guys to hit the Valkyrie Relay Message board and get as much input from you as possible.
Volunteer To_Ride Gale Scalzi oz america@f6rider.com 626 966-4265 San Dimas ca US This is a test to be removed
Volunteer To_Ride Dennis Laitinen Dennis from Blythe etad@webtv.net 760 921-3638 Blythe Ca USA anything .. you know me .. :)
Volunteer To_Ride Mike Ver Velde Harpo vervelde@sbcglobal.net 925 4494194 Tracy CA US All depends on the timing...  Im moving to NY sometime this spring/early summer...  Most likely can ride the relay in CA.   Of course, dont call me, email me!
George Ostan NautiBrit gostan@aol.com 949 362-3459 Laguna Niguel CA USA Available to relay through Orange County to San Diego
To_Ride Larry Wujcikowski SKI Pasquenell@hotmail.com 303 332-8610 Littleton CO USA
To_Ride Mark Burrow Wheels wheelsburrow@valkyrieriders.com 303 651-1524 Longmont CO USA  I live 50 miles from the wyoming border on I-25. Let me know if I can Help.
Volunteer To_Ride David Turley valkster Dave.T@starband.net 719 687-1789 Woodland Park CO USA If the timing of the ride works for me, I'd be willing to help with the Colorado portion.
To_Ride Joe Dazzio jdazzio@comcast.net 719 406-1337 Pueblo Co. USA
Volunteer To_Ride Rick Hurlburt Big Rick rahlah5@sbcglobal.net 203 375-5831 Branford CT
To_Ride Barry Bosworth BOZ bcbosworth@netzero.net 203 761-8966 Wilton CT U.S.A.
Volunteer To_Ride Steven Kuczynski coachkaz coachkaz@yahoo.com 860 873-2596 East Haddam CT USA Depending on dates, I would like to be involved. I will help Ronbou where ever needed.
Volunteer To_Ride Ron Bouchard RonBou ronbou@aol.com 860 677-1628 Farmington CT USA I don't want to be a contact for the media but if there is anything else I can do...I will. I do have some web building/maintenance experience if that would be helpfull.... Ron
Volunteer To_Ride Robert Upson Firefighter Bob robertupson@earthlink.net 860 478-9550 New Hartford CT USA Please put me in line to carry the baton in CT or most anywhere in New England.FWIW, I have some experience organizing camping events if you'd like to consider punctuating the run with regional gatherings.  Also, I am fairly well versed in (basic) web design/hosting if any assistance is needed updating/monitoring the ride website.Please contact me if there is anything I can help with.  (In general, email will have a better chance of finding me than the telephone.)
Volunteer To_Ride T.J. Taylor rovezekiel@yahoo.com 860 658-4969 Tariffville CT USA Looking to help RonBou and CT and New England anyway that I can.
Volunteer To_Ride Martin John valkrider Martin@valkrider.de 49 681 897374 Saarbrücken De Germany
Volunteer To_Ride Martin John valkrider Martin@valkrider.de 49 681 897374 Saarbrücken De Germany
Volunteer Robert J. Malm wildman51 wildman51@hotmail.com 302-89302 892-3396 Wilmington DE USA Can someone tell me if i'm riding or not Have been Contacted by a Guy in Maryland About A hand  off  Who Do I need to contact?
To_Ride steve morrish steveB sammy3d@blueyonder.co.uk 44 117 9402 352 Bristol England UK
To_Ride Gert De Grave Flying 6 gdegrave@lear.com 32 +32 476 45 75 98 Wilrijk Europe Belgium Can transfer from France to Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg and/or Germany. Or the other way round.(maybe via Yann or Jean ??)
To_Ride Lee Schoch Tunes leeschoch@comcast.net 239 417-0855 naples FL Ride to Key West,or you tell me what ya need,Howdy to West Covina,
Volunteer To_Ride Dean Banderet Deano #4574 deano97@atlantic.net 352 637-4458 Inverness FL USA Oz, I filled out and submitted this twice on 1-19-04.Still have not received email or made list? If my internet mail wasn't/isn;t working I will send an email (again as I did the 19th) from my regular email account..Please include may and/or respond, as I haven't received links, been included, etc..Thanks, Deano
To_Ride Michael Keslar Michael K (Fl) queeb@worldnet.att.net 386 852-3821 Ormond Beach Fl USA Being that I work 5 days a week, I'm not sure how this will work but I'd love to help if I can!!
Volunteer To_Ride Tom Carlson TC 17888 Throck42@aol.com 407 826-0475 Orlando FL USA Any plans on running very far south of the State line?  If it's a long stretched out relay, maybe it could make it's way to Daytona during Bikeweek, Feb. 27 thru March 7
Volunteer To_Ride John Schmidt stuffy stuffy402@aol.com 407 671-6122 Winter Park FL USA Would like to do part of the ride in Florida, but not do it alone.  Would be more fun as a group.
To_Ride John Graham Lone Wolf jgraham4@bellsouth.net 561 7466902 Jupiter FL USA If you are doing the 4 corners I could relay in Florida all the way to Key West (or back) if needed
To_Ride Ed Kozlowski GlassBudda hotglass@tampabay.rr.com 727 545-4451 Pinellas Park FL USA This is going to be fun.  Let's all join in and give it our best.
To_Ride Jim Smith Fla. Jim smithjos@aol.com 772 464-0989 Ft. Pierce Fl USA Qz Lost my link to others that have signed up. Please resend ( - =
Volunteer To_Ride Joe Thibault Joe T FlRoadDawg50@aol.com 850 864-0823 Fort Walton Beach FL 32547 Live 50 miles east of Pensacola and 100 miles west of Tallahassee FL, so, I help along the gulf coast and FL panhandle.  Ride a 98 Standard Valk.Joe T
To_Ride Bryan E Schwab Swoppie valk0001@Comcast.net 850 236-2188 Panama City beach FL USA Help withthings and riding in the Panhandle of Flordia
To_Ride Charlie Hodnett Charlie charleshodnett@bellsouth.net 850 479-4311 Pensacola Fl USA Ride Relay or you will just have to ask as I do not know what you need.....
To_Ride Wallie Dingwell Ding candingo@comcast.net 850 907-0277 Tallahassee FL USA I'd like to have the honor of carrying Thor's Hammer from Tallahassee to the next hand-off in Macon, GA.
Volunteer To_Ride Al London Al alondon1@tampabay.rr.com 727 3196854 647 8899 Seminole FL United States I would be happy to serve as a "guardian angel" in the West Central Florida area.  I can provide pretty much whatever services are needed.  I have a trailer, am technically oriented, know the area, and used to be a parttime cop in Tampa.  If my schedule permits, I'd like to meet up and ride a portion of the relay.
Earl Young eryoung@cfl.rr.com 386 216-8181 Deltona Fl. USA
charlie phelps martinsjwlrs@aol 954 782-6453 pompano bch fla usa
Yann BOUCHET Yann Courto.Yann@wanadoo.fr 00-33 (0)6 12 29 41 61 Nogent le rotrou france 28400 France Living in Normandy, i could pick up the flag coming from UK in the Channel harbours, on the way to Belgium
To_Ride Joey Herring Wingman507 jherring@prodigy.net 229 776-5357 Sylvester Ga U.S.A. I will coordinate with the Florida riders and make the pick-up between Florida and Georgia. I will pass it on my fellow Georgia riders for the tour in my state.
To_Ride Nathaniel Hardee Natedog nphardee@hotmail.com 678 526-7852 or 404-353-6866 Lithonia GA Dekalb Help in the coordination of riders from Atlanta to the South Carolina line.  Will contact four additional Valk owners to "Carry the Hammer"
To_Ride John Geiger Geiger john@Geigerent.com 678 445-9913 Woodstock GA USA I'm an overly busy guy in the winter, but I would like to help Britman take the banner to SC to show some solidarity with the GA VRCCers.Also I am offering any extra computer help you may need as I am a professional programmer and graphics artist, but it looks like you have those areas covered.Thanks, John
To_Ride Ron Kleinman Kojack ronkleinman@bellsouth.net 770 920-2269 Douglasville Ga USA
To_Ride Steve Zigler Zig slzigler@yahoo.com 770 962/3707 Lawrenceville GA USA Would like to carry the banner or at least be part of the ride as it comes through Georgia.
To_Ride Don Baker SimTek joedonb@bellsouth.net 770 789-0101 McDonough Ga USA I would like to ride the Relay. I live just south of Atlanta,Ga
To_Ride Paul Hall-Smith Britman britman453@hotmail.com 770 641-7504 Roswell GA USA Roswell is a northern suburb of Atlanta. Tell me where and when and I'm carrying Thor. If needs be till I'm saddle thor:-)
To_Ride Sherrill Wright swright255@comcast.net 706 234-5506 Rome Ga. U.S.A.
To_Ride Pete moore Pete moorepr 808 624-5576 WAHIAWA hi I can ride across Hawaii, would this help?
To_Ride Steve Kolsto CoolBreeze SRKolsto@aol.com 319 395-0731 Hiawatha IA Linn
To_Ride Dave Adams jeepfrk@earthlink.net 515 967 5050 Altoona IA USA
To_Ride R J Bullard RJ # 173 SoGH(IA) rjb448@hotmail.com 515 2871377 Des Moines IA USA I'll seethat it gets into Iowa and off to the next state.
Cameron Van Elslander valkrideria valkrideria@yahoo.com 563 322-8053 Davenport IA scott I'll pick up from Russ and deliver to WI. member
To_Ride Roger Barrick Cholla rbarrick@netins.net 641 357-1717 Clear Lake IA U.S.A. I'm only about 20 miles from where Minnesota is going to hand off to Iowa and am planning on being there with RJ.  Bringing the dig camera for photo ops.Thanks oZ!
Volunteer To_Ride Dave Moore BigBird netman@spro.net 208 794-5701 Boise ID US I don't know what ID to MT leg is available. I can ride a long, carry, support, take pictures (upload), and help with arrangements in Boise. Please make request and I'll see if I can commit.
To_Ride William Hay willybill billhay@consolidated.net 217 345  9585 Charleston il usa
To_Ride Dave Sproul Cruisin Dave dave@kustomkruzr.com 217 586-2597 Mahomet IL USA
Volunteer To_Ride Jack Dowland Buzzard jack_dowland@yahoo.com 217 562-2154 Pana IL USA Let me know what I could do.
Volunteer To_Ride Mark Weghorst Wegs mweg@insightbb.com 309 309-353-2673 pekin il usa I would be interested in being involved in the Valkyrie Relay. Pekin Illinois in in Central Illinois. What are the dates of the Relay?
Volunteer To_Ride Bill Jewell mrbill jewellb@charter.net 618 3770511 Bethalto IL
William Cochran Highlander highlander@onecliq.net 618 534-6266 DuQuoin IL USA My work schedule will allow me to help with the relay, cause I will take a day or two off if need be.  Great idea.
To_Ride Adam Leonberger Adam alnbrgr@hotmail.com 618 925-2655 Fairfield IL USA
To_Ride Brian Rumler BIGB valkerider@hotmail.com 618 588-4088 New Baden IL USA I'll ride for sure,let me know what else I could do.BIGB
Volunteer To_Ride jack otto ottocontrol jcotto@comcast.net 630 365-5521 elburn IL U.S.A. Get Chicago's news informed. Help in anyway needed 
To_Ride Ken Siemen kensiemen@ameritech.net 630 262-0308 Geneva IL
To_Ride Ken Siemen kensiemen@ameritech.net 630 262-0308 Geneva IL
To_Ride Carl Bebar none www.valkyrie0803@aol.com 630 830 1027 hanover park IL USA
Volunteer To_Ride Russ Harris WIggydotcom russharris@comcast.net 630 553-7997 Yorkville IL USA I'm located 50 miles west of Chicago and have access to the great people of the FoxValk, which covers a large populated area in Northeastern Illinois(the Fox Valley area). The Fox Valley Valkyrie riders could do our best to get media coverage and also would be able to supply riders for the entire trek across northern Illinois. We could take the baton from any surrounding state and pass it on to any other bordering state.
Volunteer To_Ride Steve Morgan Condor S.MORGAN1@att.net 708 932-6144 Midlothian Il U.S.A. Anything needed in the Lake Michigan area, I can do parts of Ind, Wisc,and Ill. Just depends on work schedule
To_Ride Octavio Gonzalez Silver Bullet O.G. kre8ive1@ameritech.net 773 842-3486 Chicago IL U.S.A. Can ride, IL., IN., or WI.
To_Ride Mark Devine Mongo checkers@keynet.net 815 937-4576 Kankakee IL usa
To_Ride Jerry Fifer fiferg6344@hotmail.com 815 485-0367 New Lenox Il USA
To_Ride Rick Montgomery Magic go_ride56@hotmail.com 815 436-7392 Plainfield Il Will
Volunteer To_Ride Danny Jones Windjammer dannyjan@aol.com 630 530-4645 630 530-4645 Villa Park IL United States
To_Ride Roque Ybarra III Rocky rennn13@hotmail.com 219 931-4845 Hammond IN usa
To_Ride Henry Schultz gov hmschultz@glassartistry.net 219  741 4513 Portage In USA
Volunteer To_Ride brian miller fudgie fudgie349@yahoo.com 260 356-8548 huntington in usa I dont know if I can make the ride, but will try hard to. Depends when it will be here. As NE Ind Chapter rep I would like to help any way I can in this area if it happens to come through here. Let me know what I can do to do my part. I have plenty of room for overnighters, tools & trailer for problems, etc. Ft Wayne is the biggest town in this corner of Ind with 4-5 tv stations and a dozen radio stations.Room and board, tools, and etc. Anything you want or need. I'm flexable. Let me know what I can do to help..Brian "Fudgie" Miller VRCC #7196NE Ind Rep Huntington In
Wayne doenges solo1 goldnrocket@comcast.net 260 7492657 New Haven In USA I haven't seen the route but if Sarge could bring it here in Northeast In, I would ride and pass it on to Dave Ritsema or ?.  I also could help with maybe a police escort here in New Haven since I am a councilman
Volunteer To_Ride john lowe jabba jlowe@oberliesengrg.com 317 881-2757 greenwood in usa I would be happy to help out in whatever capacity I can.  I am fairly busy with work and the construction of a 2nd story on my home while I live in it.  I'll help with maps, support, carrying or escorting the carriers..Jabba
To_Ride Larry Taylor sarge 4sarge@ameritech.net 317 2448894 Indianapolis IN USA Ride Relay, Coordinate within Indiana, Support for Riders, etc
Volunteer To_Ride Johnny & Jessica Drake res0zosa@verizon.net 574 293-7370 Elkhart In Unitied States
Mark Donovan MVALKYRIE@peoplepc.com 574 294-1751 ELKHART IN The Greatest ! U.S.A. If you need anything in my area, just let me know.
Mark Donovan MVALKYRIE@peoplepc.com 574 294-1751 ELKHART IN The Greatest ! U.S.A. If you need anything in my area, just let me know.
Jim Dexter jimbob jimpat18@chilitech.com 765 473-8653 Peru IN US of  A             
Volunteer To_Ride Paul Weber Hoosier Daddy pnthobby@bigfoot.com 812 279-1525 Bedford IN USA I'll be at IZ4, Whatever I can do....!.....Paul Weber
Volunteer To_Ride Jim Morse Doc Moosfa jemorse@tctc.com 765 364-0133 Crawfordsville IN USA Would want to ride a leg of the run, could provide help to riders in the area if they have difficulty.
Volunteer To_Ride Raymond Metcalf W0QNX w0qnx@sctelcom.net 316 733-4458 Andover KS usa Get the Kansas route set.
Volunteer To_Ride terry jones ragamuffin ragamuffin@valkyrieriders.com 316 835-2550 halstead ks usa let us know how we can be of assistance
Patrick Humphress Hump of Kansas phumphress@cox.net 316 524-4202 Haysville KS USA Best Event to date that I have ever heard of, I hope to be a part of it...thanks
To_Ride Greg Noller WichitaGreg greg@noller.net 316 691-1209 Wichita KS USA Have Interstate, will ride Kansas border-to-border.Have trailer, can respond to emergencies within 100 miles Wichita.
To_Ride mike pace sauce pawpace@hotmail.com 913 451-3343 overland park ks usa relay from Kansas City
Volunteer To_Ride Richard Wagner Blue Moon rickwagner@zoomtown.com 513 287-6288 Edgewood KY USA I live in KY, but on the border of KY and Ohio across from Cincinnati.  I can relay in Ohio or down through KY or even through Indiana.Blue Moon #19117
To_Ride Fred Neal Phrede f.b.neal@insightbb.com 859 620.6931 Burlington KY USA I did not check the box for volunteer, but may be available depending on the task.
Volunteer To_Ride Diane Wagner Lady Di #19118 rickwagner@zoomtown.com 859 331-9685 Edgewood KY us This is a sign-up related to Blue Moon #19117 sign-up. My wife is riding along.
Volunteer To_Ride Joel Fay huskervalk joel.fay@insightbb.com 859 576-4624 Lexington KY USA I'm in Lexington, KY now.  Possibly moving to Ohio during this venture.  I would love to ride, but at least would be willing to help out someone in trouble.
To_Ride Jimbo & Lisa Smith MADMAXX ValkyrieRiders@aol.com 318 283-1707 Bastrop LA USA This is a great idea!!!
To_Ride Bruce Pincock Sunchaser bjpinla@msn.com 318 949-1417 Haughton LA USA Whatever I can.
Volunteer To_Ride Ron Moore 2-CUP haleymoore@shreve.net 318 564-0865 Shreveport La USA My time is some what flex and will help any way I can with in the north Louisiana area.
To_Ride Rickey Dupuis Dup chicknrickey@yahoo.com 337 2764904 Jeanerette La USA
Volunteer To_Ride Jack Guenther Jack@NewOrleans Jack@NewOrleans.com 504 4876400 Destrehan La USA
William Richardson Big Bill bigbill@valkyrieriders.com 586 381-3203 Sterling Heights m
Keith Bettencourt BlackMagic keith@SADDLEBUM.com 413 3234280 Belchertown MA United States
Volunteer To_Ride Russ Gilbert russ82nd@earthlink.net 413 624-3722 Colrain Ma USA
To_Ride Rick Mydlack Vul95@aol.com 508 995-9817 Acushnet Ma USA I`d like to ride in it.
Steve Miles Crazy Miles Slm@gis.net 508 4328036 Harwich MA usa I will take it up here in Mass. I speak for all N.E. in the fact we are working on a plan!!
To_Ride ken weglarz weggy newlarz@hotmail.com 508 867-2460 west brookfield ma This is the third time I filled this out. I assume you are busy, so I will keep trying, hoping for a reply.    Thanks.............Weggy
To_Ride Ron Comperchio Valkrocket rcomperc@aol.com 617 842-3350 Plymouth MA Anything I can do to help glide it on through southern New England. Great idea gang!
To_Ride Dick Halverson haldub@beld.net 781 843-1419 Braintree MA 2184
Jack Huntoon JackinMaryland toon@myactv.net 301 991-7589 Hagerstown MD USA
Jack Huntoon JackinMaryland toon@myactv.net 301 991-7589 Hagerstown MD USA
To_Ride Dave Greenhause shortleg dgreenhause@worldnet.att.net 301 829-5124 Mount Airy md Will ride through WashingtonD.C.to V.A.from Maryland.Don,t know who is rideing through Maryland.Will do what I can.
Pete Buckley Bucks pmbuck@comcast.net 301 570-0753 Onley Md USA Would like to ride through Maryland and beyond, would like to make a long road trip with other Valk riders.  Tell me what help is needed and I will do whatever I can.  Great ideal!!!
To_Ride Rial Williams AutoDoc rialw@comcast.net 410 836-2736 Bel Air MD USA Ride MD, PA, DE, VA
To_Ride Steve Predenkoski StevePre stevepre@comcast.net 410 2030279 Ellicott City MD USA
Volunteer Harold Goodman goody decoycarve@home.com 410 247-2573 Lansdowne Md USA I will Carve the Hammer and try to help coordinate the ride thru Maryland
To_Ride Al Whinery BigAl of MD #3696 MOP al_whinery@yahoo.com 703 842-1660 Waldorf MD USA Carry the hammer :)
Doug Neary Saabfxr gotfixed2@aol.com 410 499-6389 Baltimore Md. Whatever is needed also would like to be in the ride.
Volunteer To_Ride David D'Angelo David D in Maine goneridin@adelphia.net -207 685-3781 Readfield ME USA I'll take it through Maine
To_Ride Gerald Hawes hawes46@hotmail.com 231 5492659 Boyne City MI United States I would like to help or join the ride is it comes through the northern Michigan (Northern Lower Michigan and the Eastern Upper Peninsula) Jerry Hawes
To_Ride Patrick & Kelly McCormick Gawlfer1 Gawlfer1@aol.com 248 245-0265 Oxford MI USA
To_Ride Flint Wiles fawiles@aol.com 269 491-2881 Decatur MI US
Bob Fisher Bob bob@mei.net 269 623-9916 Kalamazoo MI USA
To_Ride Dan Hughes Cruiserman bad70amx@sbcglobal.com 269 685-8717 Plainwell Mi U.S.AI would be I would be honored to carry the hammer through part of the Michigan area
To_Ride George Fischer Moms dukenjoey@aol.com 313 336-5858 Dearborn Hts. MI USA
To_Ride Dennis Proctor DenDen Dencmu@aol.com 517 339-3719 Haslett Mi USA
To_Ride Dennis Klinefelt easyrider easyrider@netperson.net 517 548-2014 Howell MI USA I would like to help by taking part in the ride...as well as being avaliable to help other riders if that should be needed Thanks Dennis Klinefelt
William Richardson Big Bill bigbill@valkyrieriders.com 586 381-3203 Sterling Heights MI USA
To_Ride bob ellis dirtbag ellisdirtbag@AOL.COM 586 7564101 warren mi macomb not sure right now have been very ill.
To_Ride Dennis Greer DennisGreer dennisgreer1@juno.com 717 476-0406 Jerome MI Would like to ride
Brian Gigman GiG gigman@valkyrieriders.com 734 645-8569 Belleville MI USA I'd like to take the handoff from the Ohio guys, and take the baton North, to Flint area, where I'm sure the Tri-Cities guys will take over. Or reverse, Flint to Ohio, if this is the proposed corridor. Can also help East/West, if we are connecting with Indiana instead of Ohio. Consider me the lower MI Ambassador to Ohio/Indiana. Not sure of the route, we need to pass this thing through the UP onto Wisc & Illi.
Bruce Bingman mcramer@iavbbs.com 810 732-0390 Flint MI USA Looking for performance improvement modification suggestions. (trigger wheel, air cleaner etc..)
To_Ride Ron Shedd therapist sheddron@pilot.msu.edu 989 3566385 Alpena MI USA I am in Alpena, 100 miles from the Mac bridge into the Upper Penninsula.  Could take it here and to the bridge, or if no UP folks volunteer, could take it all the way to canada (Sault Saint Marie).
Volunteer To_Ride David Tourangeau Tang valk98@nemichigan.com 989 785-3262 Atlanta MI USof A If you are coming thru Northern Mich. I would like to be part of it.
To_Ride Joe Errante ridingdragon jeceramic@yahoo.com 989 695-9402 Freeland MI USA
To_Ride Marty Bucholz Cleaver Cleaver@voyager.net 989 539-5132 Harrison MI USA Great Idea. Should be lots of Fun!!
tracy bellor PBear bellort2002@yahoo.com 989 422.4687 houghton lake mi usa
To_Ride Dale Defour Two-Tone d.defour@att.net 989 642-6334 Roosevelt Rd. Mi USA
Volunteer To_Ride Bill Bunker Slyk Willy bilbunk@valkyrieriders.com 989 799-0809 Saginaw MI USA Willing to do anything that I have the talent for. I'm also the MI rep so I should be able to coordinate with the whole durn thing while in MI. We have three points of entry to Canada, Detroit, Port Huron, and Sault St Marie. We join Wisconsin with the U.P, and Ohio Indiana at the south. (The rest is water) Anything else you need ? 
Volunteer To_Ride Robert Tasior RTaz bobtasior@aol.com 989 777-2565 Saginaw mi USA I can help set things up with Bill Bunker our VRCC State Rep.
To_Ride Rex Miltenberger Vrex studerex@aol.com 269 6843426 Niles       (South Bend, In) Mi us Will help in anyway in nothern indiana and southern Michigan.
To_Ride John Barthel Nawtyboy jtbarthel@charter.net 218 8296084 Baxter MN USA
To_Ride Maureen Rosato Bird mgrosato@uslink.net 218 326-4704 Grand Rapids MN USA Ride along and help within Minnesota.
To_Ride Gary Rosato Zots mgrosato@uslink.net 218 326-4704 Grand Rapids MN USA Ride and help within Minnesota.
Volunteer To_Ride John Miller mjmspeed@hotmail.com 320 864-9922 Glencoe MN USA Love to ride my Valkyrie. Can also pick up and  wrench on members bikes and help them on their way.Whatever they need.John
Volunteer To_Ride Jim Sommers Beast Master j.sommers@mchsi.com 612 718-4876 Chanhassen MN 55317 What help do you want to set things up?.I'll ride along through the Midwest and maybe through NE..I need details to make any commitment.  When?  How many miles a day (I'd like to see at least 500/day)? Depending on the timing, I could take the baton pretty much anywhere in the upper midwest if need be.
Volunteer To_Ride Jerry McEathron Ebony Rider sopark@charter.net 651 388-7759 Red Wing MN USA Cell phone 651-983-7635
Volunteer To_Ride Steve and Gail Clubb Cruiser 1 gc1486f@hotmail.com 314 803-5119 Robertsville MO U.S. Steve would like to be part of the relay and we would open our house if the previous or next person needs a lay over.
To_Ride Bob Imboden houndog rairider@hotmail.com 314 401-6323 Saint Charles MO USA
To_Ride Jim Stevenson 2nd6 easygoer@sbcglobal.net 417 889-4069 Springfield MO USA Would be cool to ride in this event.  I would also help as much as I can but I'm not a promotor....  If there is some kind of grunt work to do in the background that would be fine.
Phiilip Edgar grizzly grizzly05@earthlink.net 573 441-1806 Columbia mo usa I would be interested in finding out more about the ride and what would be needed.
To_Ride ronald brittain valkyriensemo valkyriensemo@msn.com 573 624-5652 dexter mo usa
Volunteer To_Ride clay hunter clay oxtion@hotmail.com 573 380-7956 sikeston mo usa ride the relay at caruthersville, pu hammer lead ride in mo,tenn &ky
Butch James Saxobject bjames559@hotmail.com 636 458-4227 Wildwood MO USA I've been a member for a long time, # 448.  What do you need done in the St. Louis, MO area? Let me know and I'll work hard to fix my work schedule to help.Butch
To_Ride Bill Warren Just Dull old Bill! warren6609@gbronline.com 816 734-1432 Kansas City MO USA Part of the Thor's Hammer team.  Looking to assist with the growth of the Kansas City Chapter!!
Volunteer To_Ride Mike Sheehan sheehanm_m@hotmail.com 573 3341024 Cape Girardeau              Mo. USA I have already gotten about ten riders organize to ride in Mo. not on the list but it depends on the dates. OZ and Connie once the route is established, you guys have got to make it the responsibility of the state reps. to coordinate within their state and among the other two entrance and exit state. We have already talked with Steve the state rep in Tennessee about the hand off,if the route stays as is.
Volunteer To_Ride Buck Buchanan SirBuck buck@jam.rr.com 601 668-5884 Jackson MS USA Let me what we need and I will try my best to accomodate.
David Hamilton Warlock david91854@yahoo.com 601 783-2790 Magnolia Ms. Pike Can pick up relay from Louisiana to Mississippi and deliver to Alabama.
To_Ride David Hamilton Warlock david91854@yahoo.com 601 783-2790 Magnolia Ms. Pike To pick up relay from Louisiana to Mississippi and deliver to Alabama.                                 David (Warlock)
To_Ride Russ Tempel alitlfn alitlfn@mcn.net 406 292-3524 Chester MT US of A I will ride and was put on to this by Jim Coffman and will help him if need be.  He is a capable planner.  Good luck with this hope all works out.Russ
Volunteer To_Ride Jim Coffman c5inc c5inc@ttc-cmc.net 406 292-3363 Joplin MT United States I'm already signed up but accidently deleted the link you sent me to access the "who's signed up" list. Could you please send it again. Thanks, Jim Coffman.
To_Ride Jeff Isenhour IKE isenhours@atmc.net 910 842-3333 Supply N.C. USA SorryI'm late getting in, I can carry it from anywhere in S.C. to Va. Live in coastal N.C.
Volunteer Beer van Huet Beer beerhuet@chello.nl XXX (31) 492 390090 Gemert NB Netherlands I fly a Dutch military KDC-10 tanker aircraft. We visit places like Jacksonville and Tucson pretty regularly in the coming 5 or 6 months. We will visit Nellis (Nevada) and Cold Lake (Canada) as well. Unfortunately, I cannot haul any bikes across the pond. But if you need boxes or packages to be transported on an occasional bases, I would be glad to help out. Dunno if the Benelux Chapter signed up already, but I know quite a few Valk people around the area and can get things started in the Benelux Due to the Iraq situation and other commitments, I am pretty busy myself this year. I'd be glad to help out as a POC however.
To_Ride Derrick Smith Smitty chopper@northstate.net 336 861-8118 Sophia NC USA
To_Ride Rich Dennis Acuna acuna@carolina.rr.com 704 287-5151 Charloote NC USA Hi I'm the NC state rep. I have a few bikes interested in riding w/ the banner.  Do you have.any volunteers signed for NC yet? Rich Dennis
Gary Cooper bossman10728 Gary.W.Cooper@pmusa.com 704 436-2486 Mt. Pleasant NC ride in the relay
Gary Cooper bossman10728 Gary.W.Cooper@pmusa.com 704 436-2486 Mt. Pleasant NC ride in the relay
Volunteer To_Ride Bill Potter Still Kickin kpotter@mcdowell.main.nc.us 828 668-0100 Old Fort NC USA Live in the Western end of the state.  Glad to help out any way I can.  Will ride the banner in any direction, put somebody up if needed, etc.
Volunteer To_Ride Richard E. Kelley Maelstrom evtmg@earthlink.net 919 624-0900 Raleigh NC USA Assist efforts in NC. Provide local help for travelers, ie: lodging, meals, trailering if broke down [ha]. Especially join in the ride. Rick!!!
To_Ride Aaron Peterson Aaron (Fat6) acpeterson@alltel.net 402 465-8011 Lincoln NE USA!!! I can cover parts of Nebraska, My brother lives in KC Missouri, so we have options there. Also I am willing to (depending on dates) travel in any direction to surrounding states to pick up, or drop off the torch.Aaron.
Volunteer To_Ride Bob Selzer Fe_Dragon bselzer@neb.rr.com 402 477-3626 Lincoln NE USA Will be glad to ride if the relay is through or near where I live. I am registered for INZANE 4.
Volunteer To_Ride Kathryn Camarena Dragonryder2   #1242 thecamarenas@abq.com 505 565-4264 Los Lunas New Mexico USA
To_Ride Albert Hamel TheBEAR alhamel@gsinet.net 603 548-0814 Chester NH us I submitted this last week also.  When do I get my 'private' e-mail?  I would like to know how else I can get the info
To_Ride Albert Hamel TheBEAR alhamel@gsinet.net 603 548-0814 Chester NH
To_Ride Ken Hoyesen Hoy/scud runner hoy@gis.net 603 536-2290 Plymouth NH USA I am ready and willing to escort the banner across New Hampshire.
To_Ride George Rulli Jesh grulli@yahoo.com 609 294-1405 West Creek NJ USA
To_Ride Dan Stocker Cycho 40fan@optonline.net 732 367-0635 Lakewood NJ USA
To_Ride Robin Rossmell rossmell@earthlink.net 908 362-5905 Blairstown NJ Warren
Volunteer To_Ride John Harper john@ae5x.com 973 650-2543 Hewitt NJ 7421 Post/format photos for web, edit write-ups of days' events, etc. Let me know what you need! John Harper.http://www.ae5x.com
To_Ride Gary Conserva matbear1n@netscape.net 973 697-6740 Newfoundland NJ USA Participate as a rider--VRCC#2324
Volunteer To_Ride Mike Kopczewski Speeedemon Valkyrie-rider@comcast.net 505 400-2622 Albuquerque NM USA I can help in any way.  I can take it across New Mexico if need be.
To_Ride Chuck lane F6BANGER canelane@yahoo.com 505 294-9768 albuquerque nm USA sounds like a great idea. after it goes to inzane, will it travel to other valkyrie events. im sure new mexico would be prould to display it here for the western states bash in albuquerque in sept. hopefully you will be here oz. i'll be brewing up more dragons drool and other homebrews.
Volunteer To_Ride Mike Kopczewski Speeedemon Valkyrie-Rider@comcast.net 505 400-2622 Albuquerque NM USA What ever is needed
To_Ride JON STUBBEN maddmann420 jonstubben@hotmail.com 505 869-2701 Bosque Farms nm usa
To_Ride Gerald Robinette Capt America grobinette@bigplanet.com 505 281-8149 Edgewood NM United States I'd like to help carry the banner through NM
Volunteer To_Ride Abel Camarena Dragonryder #1241 thecamarenas@abq.com 505 565-4264 Los Lunas NM USA
Volunteer To_Ride Aaron Hettenbach livestm livestm@hotmail.com 505 354 2786 354 2786 Nogal NM USA I am retired and available any time. I ride a Valk Tourer Trike my wife rides with me. We have signed up and are going to Inzane. Start anywhere on Hyw 70 in New Mexico end where the next rider is available
Volunteer To_Ride Don Llewellyn Interstate Don Valkryder@cox.net 702 395-7877 Las Vegas NV USA Besides riding, let me know what you need! I can do it!
To_Ride Rick Paszkowski Rick in Vegas mrbassbug@earthlink.net 702 858-9374 Las Vegas NV USA
Volunteer To_Ride Joe Audino "Dino" jaudino1@nycap.rr.com 518 489-5410 Albany NY USA I can get a rider involved in each corner of our state depending on the route to assist in this endeavor. We will also be having our "VRCC Meet and Eat" at Americade this year and I understand the hammer may be in NY State around that time...Anything I can do to help, I will....Dino
To_Ride steve kreydatus flysafe skreydat@twcny.rr.com 607 756-2400 cortland ny usa
To_Ride Tom Rohan Big Tom odinjunior@aol.com 631 254 0432 North Babylon NY USA I'm located on Long Island. I would like to ride part of the route.       Big Tom
To_Ride Milford Plaines BigDaddyPlaines aka SunRA sunra@flamingknights.org 646 320-0046 New York NY USA Let me know if I can be of any assistance. I have a question not related to the VRCC who do you guys use to do your silkscreening / embroidery? If possible can you  send me the contact info. As always your designs are flawless and top notch quality. I've brought many items from the CAT Store.Ride Safe Ride Long,--BigDaddyPlaines aka SunRA -- FKFFFK --
To_Ride John J Panariello ScoutmasterNYC Troop446@AOL.COM 1718 7637610 Brooklyn NY 11234 Southern NY Captain VRCC#6199
Volunteer To_Ride EVAN ROGERS OSSININGVALKYRIE EVANROGERSESQ@COVAD.NET 914 941-3947 Briarcliff NY 10510 Sounds like a lot of fun I will not be available the weekend of the 19th but am available during the week and maybe part of the weekend.
David Machoukas Iroqouis Redriderr3@aol.com 419 893 2064 Maumee oh USA If I can help let me know
To_Ride Ed Schafer Count ed@sscpa.net 419 732-3168 Port Clinton OH USA
Volunteer Alan Frazier Skull Skull@Valhalla-Six-Guns.com 512 7620140 Springboro OH USA I'll help do anything needed -- I'd help ride, too, except I don't know if my bike will be back together by then or not.
To_Ride Ted Abbott KCK KCK@WOWWAY.COM 614 833-5043 Columbus Oh USA Anything to help! Bones has already signed to carry so I'll ride with him all the way!
Volunteer To_Ride Ted Abbott KansasCityKid kck@wowway.com 614 833-5043 Columbus Oh USA
To_Ride Dave Bell Bones #3770 dfbell@msn.com 740 983-2040 Ashville OH 43103 Rider to help get the Hammer acrossed Ohio.  Have recruited other members too and will have them sign-up ASAP!
To_Ride Jeff Long Max 2941 jlong25@columbus.rr.com 740 420-6375 Circleville OH United States
Volunteer To_Ride joe delancey MOJOBOB jmd1@1st.net 740 667-3387 Coolville oh usa Ready to ride the last Ohio leg into either WV or Pa. Anything else.. Just ASK! Maybe some local PR with Parkersburg, West Virginia media..I could take a route from near Columbus, Oh into West Virginia, pass it on or take it on to the Pa. border..  Nice little ride along the Ohio River..  West Virginia side going up... Ohio side coming back!!  Keith (WV) says he'll go along..Or,  No problem going to any of WV's bordering states..  Just ASK...mojobob
To_Ride Jeff Long Max 2941 jlong25@columbus.rr.com 740 420-6375 420-6375 Circleville OH United States
To_Ride Addam Schaetzle Boywonder drvfordtrk@cinci.rr.com 513 761-6183 Cincinnati Ohio Be able to carry or just ride along with everyone in South West Ohio.
Volunteer To_Ride Michael Derringer Murdoc mderringer@woh.rr.com 937 832-2129 Englewood OHIO USA I can help with whatever you need... :)
To_Ride Michael Heminger Hemi mike_heminger@yahoo.com 937 603-8901 Richwood Ohio USA I would like to join in the ride through Ohio. If I can help with anything in the Marysville area (depending on time frame) I will certainly try.
To_Ride Ray Powers rideagold@aol.com 111 111-1111 Oklahoma City OK U.S I'll be happy to help with the ride or logistics.
Volunteer To_Ride Jim Orr wjorrjr@yahoo.com 405 258-2195 Chandler OK USA
Volunteer To_Ride John Bowman Blackjack jlbowman@cox.net 405 216-0388 Edmond OK USA
To_Ride Tim Ogilvie togilvie@cox.net 405 553-8851 OKC OK USA
To_Ride Angela Schanz DragonLady Angela43@cox.net 405 604-5054 Oklahoma City OK USA I would really enjoy taking the banner for a little trek...possibly from Charley's Last Stand on near I-40 and Meridian in Oklahoma City to somewhere in Moore or Norman. I would just like to help in this awesome event.  Thanks!
Tim Hudson RumbleBee TDHudson@cox.net 405 324-2556 Yukon OK USA Oklahoma picks up from Texas on Feb 7th and hands to Arkansas on Feb 11. I am already signed in with the Sooner State Valks to help on 7th or 8th or both.Looking forward to it, proud to be involved with this event !!
To_Ride Gary Milburn Gary gmilburn@cableone.net 580 821-4988 Elk City OK USA
Volunteer To_Ride Scott Oakes Scott in Ok scott@okvalks.com 580 772-4132 Putnam Ok 73659 I'd be happy to help coordinate the pass through Oklahoma, as well as ride the relay.
To_Ride Bill DeShazo deshazwj@oge.com 918 367-3267 Bristow OK USA
John Bowman Blackjack jlbowman@cox.net 405 215-0388 Edmond OK USA I'll be a part of the TX/OK and the OK/ARK hand-off. How do I access the "list?"
To_Ride Des Hockley Ultimate des@ultimateseats.ca 800 818 6868 Toronto ON Canada If you would like to make the Ultimate Seats factory the central point we could give the group here a special get together day with a BBQ and factory tour and send off with the banner, maybe some TV news coverage.
To_Ride Kim Slater Scout scout2@rogers.com 905 898 7006 Newmarket, Ontario ON Canada I can be available up to June 5; after that, I am on my way to Americade. I know southern Ontario quite well as that's where I grew up (not far from Sarnia). Willing to ride, to escort or whatever. Let me know, tanx
To_Ride Adrian vanderwel Adrian swontvrcc@sympatico.ca 519 649 7508 London Ont Canada
Ernie Strobridge estrobridge@rogers.com 519 245-6802 Strathroy Ont Canada
Ernie Strobridge estrobridge@rogers.com 519 245-6802 Strathroy Ont Canada
To_Ride mary vankeulen Mary (Ontario) rvankeulen@sympatico.ca 905 874 3053 Brampton Ont Canada we live very close to Toronto, we need a pic by the CN Tower
To_Ride doug Carroll DragginDoug draggindoug@valkyrieriders.com 905 877-6266 Norval ont. Canada This sounds like a great event.Looking forward to the Canadian leg.
To_Ride doug Carroll DragginDoug draggindoug@valkyrieriders.com 905 877-6266 Norval ont. Canada This sounds like a great event.Looking forward to the Canadian leg.
To_Ride james montgomery gemini jemontgomery3@comcast.net 503 268-1885 aloha or usa work nights/week-ends.  will need to schedule time off.  need to know dates it will be in oregon.
Volunteer To_Ride Barry Jarrett bgjarrett@compuserve.com 503 591-8052 Aloha OR USA Can provide some hospitality, run for parts, etc.  This sounds great and hope to participate also.
To_Ride Kirk Baumann KirkB kirk@baucomm.com 503 643-3319 Beaverton OR USA Me and some of my partners in crime can ride the banner through Oregon.
Volunteer  Stephen Tiffany Bear stiff134@cascadeaccess.com 503 630-2732 Eagle Creek Or
Volunteer To_Ride Steve Tiffany Bear stiff134@cascadeaccess.com 503 630-2732 Eagle Creek Or us ANYTHING...Can ride all the way to Canada if need be
Volunteer To_Ride Steve Tiffany Bear stiff134@cascadeaccess.com 503 630-2732 Eagle Creek Or us ANYTHING...Can ride all the way to Canada if need be
To_Ride Robert Brown RP#62 rpbrown@peoplepc.com 412 721-0030 Imperial PA USA
Volunteer To_Ride scott onest beerpig tppiscott@verizon.net 570 622-0219 pottsville pa usa sounds fun...willing to help...and ride.
Volunteer To_Ride scott onest beerpig tppiscott@verizon.net 570 622-0219 pottsville pa usa sounds fun...willing to help...and ride.
To_Ride Denham Shupe 6-Shooter wdshupe@comcast.net 610 644-1378 Berwyn Pa usa Not sure how I can help due to a changing work schedule, but keep me informed and I will volunteer whrere I can....
To_Ride Bruce Looloian brudy brucelool@yahoo.com 610 220 9067 Newtown Square Pa USA
To_Ride Rick Dolata RickD rick@dolata.org 610 793-2045 West Chester PA I expect there is already a lot of participation for the fairly short rides in this dense part of USA that link NJ to PA to DE to MD.  I didn't sign up to help things as I don't want to be one more cook in the kitchen.....that said, if help is needed, I'm willing.I'm looking to join along for the ride through if the timing works out.Regards, Rick Dolata PS...what a clever idea.
To_Ride Ralph Saylor 2wheels rsaylor1@neo.rr.com 724 588- 2340 Greenville PA USA If you come up through north Western PA I would be PROUD to ride a leg with the banner.
Volunteer To_Ride Greg Scott Lumpy gcscott01@comcast.net 412 881-3419 Pittsburgh PA. USA I would like to help with anything you need in my area. I would also like to ride.Greg
Volunteer To_Ride Doug Horwat Machine3 machine3@mac.com 724 736-8376 Perryopolis Pennsylvania USA let me know what I can do.I'm in the Pittsburgh area.
To_Ride Normand Normandeau QueXpress quexpress@yahoo.ca 450 678-2680 Saint-Hubert Qc Canada Please ensure that the snow is melted before runninf through Ontario and Québec LOL!
To_Ride andré gagnon le grand agagnon@ireseau.com 819 449-4072 maniwaki,québec qc canada my english is not to good but if the relay pass through or near my province,you can rely on me
To_Ride Gerard Parr wobbles Gerryvalk01@aol.com 7 3841 3049 Kuraby Qeensland Australia i would like to help carry the hammer and banner across Queensland
Volunteer To_Ride glenn tucker tux tux62@tpg.com.au 7 3829 0871 brisbane qld australia anything u need including accomodation/camping space
Volunteer To_Ride john heywood shag shag@valkyrieriders.com 7 38084496 brisbane qld australia id be interested in helping set up the australian leg of the thor and also taking part in it
Volunteer To_Ride Rick Turcotte skalunian@aol.com 401 943-9955 Cranston RI US Rhode Island State Rep
To_Ride Timothy Patterson Tim bkkc1234@aol.com 401 351-7230 Greene RI USA Whatever is needed.
To_Ride Timothy Patterson Tim bkkc1234@aol.com 401 351-7230 Greene RI USA Whatever is needed.
To_Ride Jerry Danowski Big Dog bigdogonavalk@cox.net 401 265-2420 cell Warwick RI USA Will help ride the Hammer through RI.
Steve Jones C or Steve C valkrod@yahoo.co.uk 29 2079-7533 Cardiff S.Wales UK Happy to help organise the British side and then the pass-on to continental Europe.
Volunteer To_Ride John Sartain Satch jonavey@hubba.fsnet.co.uk 1446 794266 Llantwit Major S.Wales UK Anything to make this thing a success
Volunteer To_Ride wayne sloan draino waynesloan@msn.com 803 222_3881 clover sc usa I am in sc and would like to carry through all or part of sc to complete the string.  Let me know if I'm useful for this or too late to help.  Thanks for working at this project.
Volunteer To_Ride wayne sloan draino waynesloan@msn.com 803 222-3881 clover sc usa I am in sc and would like to help.  I hope I'm not too late to sign up to carry the hammer.  Thanks for the work on this project.
Eric Fazekas ZekeValk zeke@sumterchapterscrc.com 803 481-5113 Sumter SC 29154 Already in contact with GA and NC
Volunteer To_Ride Donald Hurst Don in SC Hurst4him@aol.com 803 499-7014 Sumter SC Sumter I work shift work so I'm off most Days I have the 4th thur the 8th of March off. I will be in Charleston on the 3rd off March. I would be able to ride or assist another rider.Maybe come up with a South Carolina pin for the Banner..Would be up for anything that might help.Don in SC
To_Ride Jeff Umstead Carolina Rider flat6ryder@aol.com 843 569-7932 Hanahan SC USA I can contact local media (TV / newspapers) to promote ride, offer a place for riders to stay and offer to be part of the ride team in South Caolina. I'm not far from I-26/I-95 interchange. This will be awesome..Great idea!!
To_Ride John Latham johnhunter44 johnhunter44@hotmail.com 864 855-2819 Easley SC USA Would love to carry the hammer through its treck in South Carolina........
Volunteer To_Ride Clif Bergeron CajunCPO clifbergeron@yahoo.com 864 430-1945 Simpsonville SC USA
To_Ride Geoffrey Hobbs f6palley camera812@adelphia.net 843 263-5286 Hilton Head Island SC USA If you choose to ride the baton up I95 on the east Coast, I will be more than happy be the Bearer of the Baton...Remember...there is more to South Carolina than Columbia...lots more.  Lemme know how I can help...Geoff
To_Ride Jerry Dempsey JD # 155 jerryd@nvc.net 605 229-2884 Aberdeen SD USA I live in the NE corner of SD.  From the map it looks like the rum will come thru Aberdeen.  I would like to paticipate and since I am retired I could make the run from ND to Mn or any part in between.  I have 9 acres and could make room for campers if the group wanted to stay overnite or stop for lunch.  We would be willing to do whatever is necessary.  Jerry and Bobbie
Volunteer To_Ride Arlo Schubert Scooby VALKDRYVER@AOL.COM 605 334-7070 Brandon SD USA
To_Ride Todd Boesen ValkerinSD tboesen@midstatesd.net 605 778-6319 Kimball SD USA I'd Like to help or ride anyway i can in South dakota or even a couple neighboring states if its possible for me to thanks much i really like this idea
To_Ride Gary Spencer dakota dakotah_dude@hotmail.com 605 698-4282 Sisseton SD U.S.A.
To_Ride Paul Richey Cloud Hopper paul246@rocketmail.com 306 694-5743 Moose Jaw SK Canada Maybe I'm blind, but I've yet to see when this event is planned for.I can cover all of Saskatchewan or enlist the help of a few other riders.My wife and I can contact the media and document this stage with photos.Sounds like a great idea!
To_Ride Pete Gamble gamble@ntlworld.com 1446 747176 Barry Sth Glam UK
To_Ride Pete Gamble gamble@ntlworld.com 1446 747176 Barry Sth Glam UK
Jan Kilén jan.kilen@hpetch.se 46 8 658 21 68 118 42 Stockholm Sw Sweden
Steve Silva THOR silvaslifesteps@comcast.net 615 837-7881 Nashville TN DAVIDSON I am the State Rep and will carry or support in any way I can...
Volunte1er To_Ride Owens McCain Crazyhorse oemccain@charter.net 931 358-9579 Clarksville TN usa
Volunteer To_Ride Owens McCain Crazyhorse oemccain@charter.net 931 358-9579 Clarksville TN USA
To_Ride Jean Anderson LemonDrop jjean9@aol.com 3 465-9589 Denison Tx USA I am on the Texas/Oklahoma border in North Central Texas.
To_Ride David Williams ygbsm dhughw41@hotmail.com 210 827-5516 San Antonio TX usa
Volunteer To_Ride Tigger Liddell Tigger tigrmoon@airmail.net 214 402-8910 Dallas TX USA Master Organizer with years of experience in large groups.  Anything y'all need, I prob'ly know how to get.
MILLARD WILSON MR.BUBBLES mwmi1950@aol.com 281 324-7121 Huffman, TX U.S.A can also be reached at 281 385 3220 (work number)
To_Ride Mark Brinkley Brink brinkley_mark@ci.san-marcos.tx.us 512 393-8440 day 295-3966 night Buda` Tx USA I would like to help carry/ride the banner if possible, if not, I will help any way I can. Buda is 16 Miles South of Austin Tx. It would be great to have it stop/go in Austin.     
To_Ride Victor Rivera Six Guns vrr44@ev1.net 817 246-1347 Fort Worth TX USA I would like carry the banner or at least escort the banner through Texas.
To_Ride Robert Wingo Torqued torqued713@hotmail.com 832 489-8750 Houston TX USAh
To_Ride Robert Wingo Torqued torqued713@hotmail.com 832 489-8750 Houston TX USAh
Volunteer To_Ride Jean Anderson LemonDrop jjean9@aol.com 903 465-9589 Denison Tx USA I am on the Texas/Oklahoma border in North Central Texas. Member of the DFW VRCC, but live about 75 miles North of Dallas
To_Ride Robin Vaught REV rvalk97@yahoo.com 903 981-3464 Gladewater TX USA
To_Ride Dennis Kwiecien "kiwi" kwieciend@champcom.com 936 273-4182 Houston TX USA Depending on timing, I would like to ride.
To_Ride Gregory Light Doc nurseep60@hotmail.com 940 3872624 Denton Tx USA
To_Ride Don Hardin Spike drhardin@advantexmail.net 972 393-1233 Lewisville TX USA
Volunteer To_Ride Jimmy Curtin Jimmyc jimmycurtin@msn.com 972 317-8484 Lewisville Tx I saw a map on the web site, it did not look like the route was coming thru the Dallas area...is that true? I can only say that our chapter is really growing and we would love to be part of this great idea.
To_Ride Jess Davis Tubadoor jessied@plano.gov 972 742-7668 McKinney TX USA Make sure the other VRCC/DFW members sign up.
Volunteer To_Ride Michael Peterson Winterhawk mike@pnpcorp.com 972 208-4085 Plano TX USA
To_Ride Rick Janoe ValkyRick valkyrick@ev1.net 972 841-3495 Plano TX USA
Volunteer To_Ride mike Peterson Winterhawk mike@pnpcorp.com 972 208-4085 Plano TX USA Signed up earlier did not get an email response. We will post amap on the Chapter web site of the propsed route and time frames so you know where the banner is. http://www.valkyrieriders.com/tx
Volunteer To_Ride Jeff Latimer Wanderer JeffLatimer@juno.com 972 235-3770 Richardson TX USA I am in the Dallas area and active in the DFW Chapter. Looks like we have a bunch of people getting involved ! Let me know if I can do anything specific. Thanks, Jeff
To_Ride Brian Ecton Serk serk@serk.net 972 463-8079 Rowlett TX USA Ride! (I have a feeling that will be the requests of the majority of volunteers unfortunately)...
Curtis Ransom mrider mriders@netzero.net 979 885-0838 Wallis Tx AMERICA I live around Houston Tx would like to ride part of the relay,or help a rider thats needs it.let me know
To_Ride Patrick DeBoard dumpster pdeboard@ont.com 214 402-6240 Richardson Tx. USA I'd like to ride.
To_Ride Deblen Francis Thedeble thedeble@ptsi.net 806 648-1984 Perryton Tx. USA Let me know if I can help.
Volunteer To_Ride Kelly Castagno FastKel kcastagno24@msn.com 435 8439224 Tooele Ut U.S.A/ To Whom it may concern: I work a lot of hours but would like to participate in your Relay. If there is anything I can do let me know when and where and i would be glad to help or ride as long as there isn't 5 feet of snow.. let me know Kelly
To_Ride Gary Bortolussi "Borto" ghborto@earthlink.net 801 277-0541 Salt Lake City Ut USA Would love to participate as I ride one of the oldest ladies in the country, good "ole #9"
To_Ride Michael Roberts Cook'n mikir03@qwickconnect.net 801 262-8051 West Jordan UT USA West Jordan is in Salt Lake city... Would be MORE than happy to help and or carry in the Utah/Wyoming/Nevada area.
Volunteer To_Ride Chuck Roberts c130a@earthlink.net 434 985-7904 Ruckersville VA USA Will be out of the country 2nd and 3rd week in May, 2004, otherwise available for anything.  Lemmme know
To_Ride Dan Ferrentino Dano ferrentd@nga.mil 540 554-8269 Bluemont VA USA Pass the baton on norhern or western VA.
To_Ride George Key Big G ggkey@comcast.net 703 395-5642 Haymarket VA USA Willing and able to ride Virginia, Maryland, West Virginia or parts of Pennsylvania.
To_Ride Alfred Ford Slewfoot a_r_ford@hotmail.com 703 3617206 Manassas Va I would like to ride.  However, if you need help in an area that I may be of some aid, please feel free to contact me.
To_Ride Larry Cooney coondog20110 lac0908@yahoo.com 703 3928306 Manassas va
Volunteer To_Ride Bo Scott Valk_Ridin_Soldier boscott@cox.net 757 6961678 Newport News va USA Work with Southeast Virginia (Norfolk/VA Beach Newport News/Hampton/Richmond area issues
Volunteer To_Ride Don Lanham Highbinder udf@ntelos.net 540 474-2355 Blue Grass Va. USA I live 6 miles from the W.Virginia border, I have a farm with plenty of places to camp, if some of the riders need to spend the night.
To_Ride Mike Bermingham Spanky mbermi@fcwa.org 540 286-0030 Stafford Va. USA Can help in any way.Would love to ride but will do whatever
Volunteer To_Ride Eddy Van Laethem Ed edvlae@tiscali.be 32 02 4525136 1730  Asse Vl. Brabant Belgium # 4040 at your service for the great little country named BELGIUM.Regards.Ed
Volunteer To_Ride Bob Thomson Bobaloo avebobt@vermontel.net 802 869 2327 Saxtons River Vt USA
To_Ride Charles Greene Ratdog DragonRider@ValhallaSixGuns.com 206  633-0148 Seattle WA USA Interested in participating in rolling it through WA state
Volunteer To_Ride Connelly Johnson Ms. Conn hudson42@hotmail.com 206 281-8140 Seattle WA Don't know what I can help do but I bet there is something!
Volunteer To_Ride Jon Hosner HOZ jhoz98@hotmail.com 253 351-5985 Auburn WA USA Ask me and I'll tell ya. Don't know what needs to be done yet.
Volunteer To_Ride Patrick Noonan Pat pnoonan@direcway.com 360 417-1977 Port Angeles WA USA I'm retired. I'll do anything you like, but please let me ride, preferably from Port Angeles to the NW corner of WA.
To_Ride Kent Crawford 'KC' kentcrawford1@netzero.com 425 481-8190 Bothell Wa U.S.A. I could be a sort of focal for the VERMIN (ValkyriE Riders and Members In the Northwest). We as a group can probably handle carrying the Hammer through the state of Washington. If it doesn't have to cover too much of the state, I may be able to handle it myself.Kent 'KC' Crawford VOAi Western V.P.
To_Ride Kent Crawford 'KC' kentcrawford1@netzero.com 425 481-8190 Bothell Wa U.S.A. I could be a sort of focal for the VERMIN (ValkyriE Riders and Members In the Northwest). We as a group can probably handle carrying the Hammer through the state of Washington. If it doesn't have to cover too much of the state, I may be able to handle it myself.Kent 'KC' Crawford VOAi Western V.P.
Volunteer To_Ride Robert Watson Robert rwatson332@aol.com 509 299-4930 Medical Lake WA USA
Volunteer To_Ride Dave Hoffman Big Dave dhoffman@televar.com 509 246-0115 Soap Lake WA USA I'm the WA State VRCC Leader (VRCC #3395) We (the WA VRCC) are working to promote the relay in the state. Hondasan is the event coordinator for the WA VRCC
Volunteer To_Ride Dave Hoffman Big Dave dhoffman@televar.com 509 2460115 Soap Lake WA USA WA State Leader. I am promoting the ride with website, e-mail and the release of info to local radio stations and newspapers.
To_Ride Mike Cummins cumminsdm@aol.com 509 582-5693 Kennewick Wa U.S. Not sure if it will come thru my area, but am willing to ride to it and help..
To_Ride bob gibbons bobbievalk bobbievalk@hotmail.com 1144 1443 439070 south wales wales uk part of the organising commitee for uk
Volunteer To_Ride Larry Gordon Hondasan Hondasan@joimail.com 360 417 3255 Port Angeles Washington US not sure what needs to be done- but willing to consider calling/ coordinate Northwest (Washington/Oregon/Idaho/Montana)
Volunteer To_Ride Steve Blackburn Black Dog sb1520@sbcglobal.net 262 538-1246 Hartland WI USA I would like to ride the relay.  Let me know if there is anything else I can do.  I have been, and will continue to be, in touch with RJ.  We will work out the IA - WI handoff.  I need contacts in IL to work out that part of the relay.
Volunteer To_Ride Edward Harris Thunderpigeon egharris@sbcglobal.net 414 708-6635 or 228-6635 Bayside (Milwaukee) WI USA I can give you any help you need for the Wisconsin portion.
To_Ride jim wescott jdwescott@centurytel.net 715 262-3959 River Falls wi usa would like to ride the relay.
Volunteer To_Ride Tom Huff thuff@wirural.net 920 787-7474 Westfield Wis. Hi Oz.Did you send anything out on this to the states Rep. I have a spam filter and didn't see any from you or the club.If you did could you send in to me again.      Thanks Tom Wisconsin Rep.
To_Ride Keith Shirley Keith Shirley kshirley3606@charter.net 304 895-3606 Leon WV USA
To_Ride Erwin Wamsley flyingcent flyingcent@charter.net 304 489-9109 Mineral Wells WV USA Ready to do the WV relay 7/10, who is that Joe guy from Coolville OH?
To_Ride David Carte Traveler F6bigblock#aol. 304 755-1266 Nitro wv US of A
Larry Floud SIXGUNS lfloud@yahoo.com 307 421-4232 Cheyenne WY USA VOLUNTEER rider (Wyoming)