Inaugural Indiana Chapter Ride-in
We thought we'd share some pictures of our first ever Indiana gathering. The purpose of this ride was to meet and introduce ourselves and begin planning for what is eventually a bigger movement state-wide to get established like the other Midwest Chapters have.
In the thumbnails below, you can see some of the shots we took on a typical overcast day. The date was Sunday April 30, 2000 and we had four Valkyries meet at Tony Roma's for ribs. These are the photographs we took outside the restaurant. Joe Smith has the white and blue Valkyrie I/S, Don Smith second from the left has a black standard, Scott Townsend has the black standard bike in the forground, and to the right, leaning over his red and white is Paul Weber.
The meal was great and getting to know some of the other Valkyrie owners was a special treat. From left to right and top to bottom Paul Weber, Don Smith, Joe Smith, Scott Townsend.
The restaurant was close to a fairly busy street and the looks we got from those in cages said it all: "When Valks get together it makes a real statement!" All had a great time. |