Upcoming events






Pennsylvania Valkyrie Reunion May 2-4, 2003 Dutchmaid Motel Shiftr (PA)
Christian Motorcyclists Association 
Run for the Son
May 3, 2003 Grace Fellowship Church (Watervliet, NY) (see flyer) $15.00
Ride to Cooperstown Baseball Hall of Fame Sunday May 11, 2003 TBA Dino (NY)
VRCC Ride and Barbeque
at Americade
Friday June 6, 2003 Roaring Brook Ranch and Schroon Valley Resort 
(Lake George)
Dino (NY)
Burnt Rubba (MA)
NY VRCC Ride to Letchworth Falls June 28-29, 2003 TBA Dino (NY)
Bear Mountain Ride July 16-17, 2003 TBA Dino (NY)
Inzane Ride-In July 23-27, 2003 Zanesville, Ohio Inzane (see site)
Attica 9/11 Memorial Ride Sept 13-14, 2003 Albany, NY (see flyer) $20.00