Welcome to
the VRCC Ohio Chapter
Ohio is a great place to
be a biker. Valkyrie Motorcycles were built right here in Marysville,
Ohio. Just about every biker here has been to and seen the Honda
Motorcycle Plant, AMA Motorcycle Museum, and Mid-Ohio Race Track. Most every Ohio
biker has also experienced what it's like to take an extended ride in
the late afternoon sun through rolling hills, to flat farmlands with billowing
crop. Sometimes even getting caught in a fresh summer rain is pleasurable, as
lush greenery from grass and trees greet and excite your senses. Every turn begs
to be ridden as you seek new rural roads awaiting your
discovery. Come on Brothers and Sisters join up and ride with us and
experience the joy of sharing the road.
We are group that rides,
whatever... we enjoy riding, so it doesn't matter what brand name bike
your riding, you'll be comfortable riding with us, you'll be accepted as
one of us, and you'll be family like one of us.
Ride Ohio in 2006 with
the Best Motorcycle Chapter in the Nation, become an Ohio Dragon Rider.
It's fun, It's entertaining, it's family, and most of all It's FREE to
Serving Ohio Bikers for Ever!

Keep Your Rights

Soldier Weghorst Serving you daily.
Ohio has chosen one of America's
Finest. Until his safe return to us,
we lift this one soldier up for your protection and
guidance Lord.
Mark and Teresa Weghorst's son.
Please Visit and send
your card to our service men and women over seas
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to upload photos for VRCC Message Boards.