This might sound silly, but... Posted By:
Serk <> In Response To:
Lamont's Home Videos (The Rezrunner) This just might sound silly, but I just don't care... Me and the wife have been putting off having kids, especially now due to the current economic downturn... I've still got a job right now, but I don't know for how much longer... Luckily the wife is in a pretty recession-proof industry, but she makes just a little better than 1/2 what I make. This weekend, after seeing the pictures of Lamont teaching his kids to ride, that did it. I decided right then and there no more waiting, we're gonna have kids as soon as we can. I'll be turning 30 in a little over a month, I want to be young enough
to teach 'em to ride someday! I know 30 doesn't sound very old to a lot of
you, but if everything works perfectly, I'll be 46 by the time our first
born is 15. Don't wanna push it much older than I already have. I had a
talk with the wife, and ya'll don't tell anyone this, cause we're trying
to keep it a secret, but she stopped taking her 'vitamins' and we're
officially trying to become parents now... Wish us luck, and if all else
fails, we're having fun trying!
Hope I'm not treading into the tasteless area, but it's somehow different, and more 'special' knowing there's no barrier to parenthood when we're together now... Hope that last paragraph wasn't too inappropriate...
Anyway, thanks Lamont for giving me the kick in the pants to finally try to become a daddy... CLICK HERE to see the webpage he is talking about.