SoCal VRCC rides to the Grand Canyon Caverns.
Ok guys and gals it's going to be an early start.
We well meet at the Chevron station on the 15 fwy and hwy 138 at 7:30am. Kickstands up at 8:00am.
We'll take a 318 mile ride along hwy 40 and pick up route 66 in Kingman.
We will stop somewhere along the way for gas and lunch.
Lunch will be at the Cracker Barrel in Kingman. 3520 Stockton Hill rd. exit 51. Should be around 1:00.
We will hit the caverns and take the tour.
It could be cold so bring you warmies!
Grand Canyon Caverns Information.
We will be staying at the Edgewater Hotel in Laughlin. I have 15 rooms set up for us. Room rates will be $45.00 + tax for the night. You can call 800-677-4837 and give them the code of ( GR HONDA ) for the group rate. They would like us to reserve by the 8th of March. Otherwise you would have to pay their regular price
Ride back to be determined later.
Watch the SoCal message board for any changes.
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Southern California Valkyrie Riders