April 24-25, 2010

Ride Report & 


For the Death Valley Ride. 


Great ride and great turn out as well.

11 bikes showed up at the meeting point at 7:30am on Saturday. It was an early start to a long ride. With a full tank of gas we made our way toward Baker for a late breakfast. 6 more bikes met us there as well. After we all got our fill it was off to Death Valley. Unfortunately Ron from Arizona had a break down on the way out and couldn't join us. He had to be towed into Kingman late Friday evening. He had to rent a truck and trailer to get back to Phoenix to have his trike repaired. Elmer joined us for a short while but had to return early because of work. It was nice to ride with him if only for a short time. Our first gas stop was in Shoshone for a splash for the smaller tanks. Badwater we took another quick look and break. The weather was good. It was clear and starting to warm up a bit but never got over 90 degrees. From there we went on to Dante's View for a spectacular view of the Death Valley. We went from 248 feet below sea level to over 3000 feet above. It was much cooler up there as well but very nice. We hung around there for about a half an hour then headed to Furnace Creek for another quick fuel stop. We hit Beatty around 5:00 pm to check in. It was good to hit the showers and rest up a bit for dinner. During dinner we had our 50/50 drawing. Cindy was the cash winner with a nice $92.00 prize. Dolor won a new bike cover and we gave away some oil filters and flashlights as well.

Sunday we split up for the ride home. Greg left at 3:30am because of some noise issues above him. He couldn't sleep so he went on home. John, Rick and Cindy went to Scotty's Castle. Stan and Bill went back to So.Cal.. Rob and Daryl headed back home as well.  Wayne, Mike and George went back to Las Vegas and Mike H, Dolor, Angela, Carl, John and I took a little tour of Nevada before staying the nite in Vegas.

Monday the 5 bikes I was with went to Laughlin for breakfast. After we took a ride over to Oatman. Dolor and Angela had never been there so it was a treat for them. From there  we went to Lake Havasu and Parker. 1165 miles for me and it was one great ride.

Looking forward to Ojai next month.




Death Valley Details


Southern California Event Calendar