Death Valley 2 Pictures

Well, we did have a great time, but I'm sorry to say
we did have a major mishap.

Fred (older than dirt) was going around a turn and hit sand
and gravel in the road.  When he went down it was all George (The NautiBrit)
could do to avoid getting tangled up and he also went down.  George is OK
except for bumps, bruises, and a sore shoulder,but Fred is going to have a rough
& long recovery with a broken collar bone, broken ribs, & road rash.

Please keep Fred in your Prayers

Thanks to the NoCal Group for coming!
Thanks to the Las Vegas group for coming!
Thanks to all for coming, especially from

Since he won the 50/50 this month!

Ed's Pictures

Daryl & Rob's Pictures

BigMac's Pictures

BigMac2's Pictures

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