Woodward Avenue Corvette Cruise
Later that day, Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Early that evening, Larry, the Detroit Corvette guy who organized things for the group at the Radisson and others, had planned that we all get out onto Woodward Avenue at the same time (400 Corvettes) and cruise down to a local church where we could donate canned goods or money to their fund. Unfortunately, there was a lack of organization and the police did not stop traffic so we could all get out together, so it turned into a constant infusion of a few Corvettes into the existing traffic pattern. It did not have the same effect. While we were all waiting, we ran into Terri from the group that organizes Vettes on the Rockies and whom we had seen last year. It was a pleasure catching up and hearing about the changes in venue for 2012. We tried out the cruising idea again that night, but ended up breaking off, Rob and Daryl to go find dinner and Doug and Marilyn back to the hotel.
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