Let's Go Riding! |
If you would like to plan a ride to be posted here, please email me the details. Please include the date, time and location of departure, final destination, etc. Try to give folks as much advance notice as possible to get the event on their calendar. Upcoming Rides:
September Meet/Run
Sunday, September 11, 2005 Time to get our curves on! September will take us out the Clackamas River Highway to Detroit Lake. After meeting, we will be motoring to Estacada to dine at the Cazadero Inn. Reservations are at 8:30 for those who may want to meet us there. Please email me if you plan to attend. Meet: 7:30am Latus Motors
October Run/Ride for Kids Sunday, October 2, 2005
Recurring Events:
Taco Wednesday Corner Saloon in Wanker's Corner on Wednesday nights. There are usually about 100 Harleys and us.
Get on the PAVR list!!!