Additional purchase options
on this page:
Raffle Tickets
Poker Run Tickets
Saturday Banquet Tickets (Do not select if you purchased
full registration)
Event Pin (Included in early bird full reg; select only
if you want additional) Shirts are on the next page Make all Selections, then click "Put in Cart" at the bottom
Saturday Night Banquet $24.00
(Included with Full Registration;
do not select if youpurchased Full Reg.)
Event Pin $7.50
Poker Run $15.00
Co-rider Poker Run $15
Additional Hands $10
Grand Prize $10
* Special 3 for $25!!*
* Super Special 15 for $100*
Saturday Tons o' Stuff
* Special 6 for $5!!*
* Super Specials the more you buy*
Saturday Mega 50/50
* Special 6 for $5!!*
* Super Specials the more you buy*
Don't forget to click on "Put in Cart" right below between
blinking lights