If you purchased Full Registration. Thursday Banquet is included!!
If you purchased Early Bird Full Registration, Event Pin is included!!
Shirts are on the next page
Make all Selections, then click "Put in Cart" at the bottom
Joe Boyd Charity Lunch Ride
Lunch Ticket $10 pp
Police escorted ride lines up Wednesday at 11:30, lunch about noon
Thursday Night Banquet $24.00
(Included with Full Registration;
do not select if you purchased Full Reg.)
Event Pin $7.50
(Included with Early Bird Registration;
only select if you want additional pins)
Poker Run $15.00
Co-rider Poker Run $15
Additional Hands $10
Grand Prize
Tickets Available for purchase on site
at InZane
VRCC InZane Cap - Black
$22 each
VRCC InZane Cap - Pink
$22 each
Don't forget to click on "Put in Cart" below, between the green dots