CenTex south Chapter Leader
Richard Perez
Handle: Old Geezer
Email: rrperez7517@satx.rr.com
San Antonio is the nations eighth largest city. San Antonio captures the spirit of Texas, the city has retained its sense of history and tradition, while carefully blending in cosmopolitan progress. San Antonio is a Mecca. Native Americans first lived along the San Antonio River, calling the area "Yanaguana," which means "refreshing waters," or "clear waters." A band of Spanish explorers and missionaries came upon the river in 1691, and because it was the feast day of St. Anthony, they named the river "San Antonio." San Antonio which became permanently etched in the annals of history in 1836 as The Alamo where 189 defenders held the old mission against some 4,000 Mexican troops for 13 days. The cry "Remember the Alamo" became the rallying point of the Texan revolution against Mexico. Check it out at San Antonio Convention and Visitors Bureau