The Texas VRCC
Here in Texas the VRCC is represented by several local chapters. I would encourage you to contact the local chapter leader nearest you and find out about meeting dates, local rides, trips and events throughout the year. Get out and "Ride Texas". Support your local Texas VRCC Chapter and our sponsors today!
Texas VRCC Chapters
CenTex north (Austin area)
Dallas/Fort Worth
CenTex south (San Antonio area)

What is the VRCC?
The VRCC or Valkyrie Riders Cruiser Club was started because of the need to provide a place where all Valkyrie Riders could band together and share the combined wealth of knowledge about this great motorcycle. A simple place with no political structure and where malice toward other Motorcycle Riders will not be tolerated. We reserve the right to pull any remarks (posts to our message boards) that we find objectionable at our own discretion.
The Club relies on sales of goods, services and support by sponsors for managing operational costs. Membership in the Valkyrie Riders Cruiser Club and its local chapters is FREE at this time to any individual who rides the Valkyrie or is in the process of obtaining a Valkyrie, full membership (free too) will also be extended to the Valkyrie rider's co-pilot.
The reason for setting up the Valkyrie Riders Cruiser Club with a FREE membership is so the co-founders can retain full control of the club, web site and activities without political controls or paid membership dictation and expectation. In other words if you got a suggestion or complaint, of course we want to hear about it, but we reserve the right on how to act upon your suggestion or complaint.
We will not compete with other Valkyrie clubs, in fact we whole heartedly intend to support them. Many of our members belong to other Valkyrie related organizations. All message boards are open to ALL Valkyrie Riders Cruiser Club Members and potential Valkyrie rider members, to post any appropriate messages including other clubs or organizations events.